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The Scottsdale Public Space Master Plan Project, also known as the Scottsdale Connectivity Project was an idea born of a land use study for possible event space sites for the city of Scottsdale in the Fall of 2015. Due to construction north of the Arizona Canal on a vacant lot previously used for public events & festivals, event planners from various organizations lead by Scottsdale Tourism Advisory Task Force were in need of a replacement. HSS’ new event space design would be a permanent city asset with infrastructure for events, a visitor center, bus drop off and welcome point for activities along the Canal and Downtown Scottsdale Districts. In the initial planning stages, two parcels were selected for review by the Scottsdale City Council. The anticipated outcome of the presentation was to select a single site for eventual development.


HSS was tasked with recommending which one of the two parcels of land would best address the City of Scottsdale’s needs. Questions included: What location was most prominent? How will it work with Civic Center events? What impact will it have to adjacent businesses? How will families use this on non-event days? How will parking be addressed? Will this space serve as the starting point/Visitor Center that Downtown Scottsdale needs? As Scottsdale’s leadership watched new development, it became clear that public open space was an important asset. The Connectivity project was born as a direct result, delineating a series of key pathways and five major nodes (both new and established) within the City of Scottsdale’s downtown development plan. HSS continues to facilitate and work with City of Scottsdale staff on the implementation plan that includes both private partnerships and capital projects supported by public funds.

scottsdale, az 

+/- 2 square miles master plan

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Downtown Public Space Masterplan Presentation to the City & Public Stakeholders - August 2016

Downtown Public Space Masterplan Interview for AZ Central - 

©2024 Holly Street Studio 

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